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Q: What laws were first passed in 1662 that made blacks and their children lifelong property to their masters?
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Why did blacks have to carry papers?

blacks carried papers because without there papers they werent free and they couldnt travel without there slave masters

In the south free blacks were?

There were no free blacks in the south. Anyone who was black in the south was a slave.

How did enslaved blacks respond to the condition slavery?

Enslaved blacks responded to the conditions by using the different uses of things . (Enslaved Blacks Really Didn't responded to conditions)

What was one reason that southern states pass laws after 1800 to discourage manumission?

One reason is that Southern whites feared that freed blacks would seek revenge for their past treatment as slaves.Other reasons were:1) freed blacks represented competition for white industries and professions2) freed blacks represented political opposition (as they would again in 1865)Manumission (which is simply the voluntary freeing of slaves) was unwelcome in the South because they felt that slaves would be more likely to try to escape if they had examples of successful freedmen. Another was that freed slaves might have legal status to hold previous owners responsible for maltreatment or injury. The concept of being "born into slavery" was seen as conferring a lifelong status by slaveholders.

What was one reason that southern states passed laws after 1800 to discourage manumission?

One reason is that Southern whites feared that freed blacks would seek revenge for their past treatment as slaves.Other reasons were:1) freed blacks represented competition for white industries and professions2) freed blacks represented political opposition (as they would again in 1865)Manumission (which is simply the voluntary freeing of slaves) was unwelcome in the South because they felt that slaves would be more likely to try to escape if they had examples of successful freedmen. Another was that freed slaves might have legal status to hold previous owners responsible for maltreatment or injury. The concept of being "born into slavery" was seen as conferring a lifelong status by slaveholders.

Related questions

Why did blacks have to carry papers?

blacks carried papers because without there papers they werent free and they couldnt travel without there slave masters

What did the free blacks in the South were allowed to?

own property

Who took blacks from Africa?

The white Americans took blacks from Africa. They put them in a boat nude, and shipped them to America as slaves. They separated the blacks from their family. The slave masters did cruel things to these African slaves. This why African-Americans live in the United States. If the Americans never shipped blacks to America, blacks today would be in Africa. Also, this is why we have racism in America.

Where do the children sit in the trial in to kill a mockingbird?

with the blacks :P

What happened to blacks in America because of Plessy vs Fergson?

Were allowed to own property.

In To Kill a Mockingbird who did the children sit with in court?

They sat in the balcony with the blacks.

What was the ruling that blacks were property and did not have the rights as white people?

It was Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857.

What is the north's biggest mistake during reconstruction?

Its failure to provide blacks with farm property of their own

Who wasn't allowed to vote at the beginning of the us?

women, anyone poor, and of course children

How did Nelson save the blacks?

he wanted to give the blacks freedom and make his country a better place and he wanted all black children to have good futures.

Why did the abolitionists want slavery to end?

They thought it was wrong that blacks were being treated like human property.

How did colonists in Virginia justify treating their slaves like property?

By passing laws that gave blacks an inferior status