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Q: What leader issued strict punishments and a system whereby colonists could be given land if they agreed to farm it in the colony of Jamestown?
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Which leader issued strict punishments and a system wherby colonists could be given land if they agreed to farm it in the colony of Jamestown?

The leader was King George III of England.

What was a turning point for the colonists during the American revolution?

When the French agreed to assist the colonists.

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Intolerable acts

Which was major turning point for the colonists during the American revolution?

The Battle of Saratoga When the French agreed to assist the colonists

Why would colonist have agreed that they existed only the benefit of the mother country Why or why not?

I think that the colonists would have agreed because it is true.

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The law of nipsteration. proposed as the The jamestown nip carnival.

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What was the major point for the colonist during the American revolution?

When the French agreed to assist the colonists.

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The parliament interpreted the colonists reactions in one way. The parliament agreed to let the colonies have representation in the Parliament.

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The answer is...the Boston Port Act.