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quads and calfs

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Q: What leg muscles are used to jump?
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Related questions

What muscles are used in star jumps?

The muscles used in a squat jump are the quads, and the hamstrings. The lower back muscles and the abdominals are used also

What leg muscles cause you to jump and how?

The quads, glutes, adductors and calves

What are the physical requirements for success in the long jump?

leg muscles and speed

Why a person can't jump without bending legs?

To jump, you need the force of your leg muscles pushing off of the floor to move you into the air. Without bending your knees, you can't use your leg muscles.

What muscles are used in a pike jump?

Every muscles the pike has to swim with are used to do a pike jump.

What fitness requirements is needed for athletics in high jump?

leg muscles and speed

What muscles are used in cheering?

you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles. you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles.

Does body weight and calf size influence how high you can jump?

What has the most affect on how high a person can jump has to do with ones muscles in their entire body, not just the leg muscles. Muscles in the trunk as well as all extremities are used when jumping. Technique is also a factor in gaining height as well.

What muscles are used in leg raises?

The muscles used in the leg press exercise are your Quads primarily. Hamstring gets a good work out too.

What muscles are used during leg flex?

Your hamstring muscles.

What muscles are used in footie?


What muscles are used in bench jumps?

The leg muscles are use in the bend jump. The gluteus maximus & minimus, hamstrings (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus), calves (gastocnemius, gastrocnemius) and the soleus (lower calve).