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They might learn that none of their peace settlements will work. This is because the peace settlements will never be fair. On nation will get the benifit and the other will not. If this is related to Israel then there is no chance of ever seeing an answer. The Palestinians will never forget, any more than the state of New Jersey would forget if the people of Pennsylvania pushed the New Jersey people off their land by the barrel of a gun. The only difference is that the New Jersey people would still find a way to exist because there is plenty of water and agriculture in surrounding territories of New Jersey. In Palestine there is none.

Also imagine that your brother was killed and your Aunt Sally was crippled by bullets when they were pushed off their own land that they had cultivated for the last 1,300 years. Now imagine that there is some charming evangelist with a black book in his hand telling the whole world that you're full of Satan and evil and should be butchered by the God Yaweh. Do you think this would ever bring peace?

Now imagine that you will spend the next 80 years in a refuge camp, dependent on government hand-outs, and the people that took your land now own it and there is no chance of ever getting it back. To the west is the ocean, to east is a barren dessert and a country that will not help you. In the meantime the whole world builds up its' armies to destroy you, the poorest and most miserable of all people.

If there is an armageddon and a God who will bring it to pass, a God of love that doesn't show partiality? This God would help the Palestinians.

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