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Q: What life lessons have people learned from Nathan hale's contributions?
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The lessons we learned from the 9/11 tragedy were; kindness, respect, loyalty, and always be prepared.

What lessons have the Jewish people learned from the inquisition?

I don't think there are any specific "lessons" to be learnt from the Inquisition.

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that he will learn a lesson

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Life's lessons can be learned in both places. A classroom can offer structured learning and theoretical knowledge, while a football field can provide practical experiences in teamwork, resilience, and competition. Ultimately, the effectiveness of learning life's lessons depends on the individual's ability to reflect and apply knowledge gained from both settings.

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People died. Lessons were learned. Conditions are favourable to your asking the question.

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Some lesssons learned are that taking anger out on people isnt always the awser and that driving fast can get a ticket.

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There really is no answer but if their was I would say its don't judge people by their looks but what's in the inside.

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After a war, people in poverty "often" will regain there foothold on living standards by learning from their observations learned during the war. They will put "lessons learned" to use.

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Because people have faulty memories. Experiences and the lessons learned fade rapidly unless reinforced.

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people do things for their own reasons right or wrong lessons are learned

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Cole learned that no person is a totally bad person. people just do bad things because that's all people know how to do. he learned to control his anger and to forgive and forget.

What lessons were learned from the Great Depression?

that the economy had to get better that its was that te economy would have to better improve and more people would have to get some type of work