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After a war, people in poverty "often" will regain there foothold on living standards by learning from their observations learned during the war. They will put "lessons learned" to use.

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Q: How is Poverty in Vietnam after two wars?
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Korea and vietnam

Was the Vietnam War on Poverty a good or bad idea and how did it turn out?

Your question is unclear. Do you mean Lyndon Johnson's "War on poverty" or "The Vietnam War?" Never heard of a "Vietnam war on poverty."

What two wars were fought in Asia from 1950 - 1975?

Most famously the Korean and Vietnam Wars, although there were others.

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There were many more than just two, but Korea and Vietnam were the largest and most serious of the Cold War 'skirmishes."

How did the Vietnam war affect Johnson war of poverty?

The Vietnam war distracted the American people from Johnson's plan for a "Great Society".

How did Vietnam affect johnsons war on poverty?

Vietnam took time and attention away from the war on poverty

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The Cold War resulted in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

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World War 1 , two Korean Wars, and the Vietnam conflict are examples of undeclared wars. The US went to war without a Declaration of War from Congress.

How many Vietnam wars were there?

Two: 1st Indochina War (French Indochina War) & 2nd Indochina War (America's Vietnam War).

What are the current wars in Vietnam?

Vietnam is currently at peace.

Why were the war tactics in the Vietnam war different to other wars?

Wars prior to Vietnam were ground taking wars (territorial gains). Vietnam was a body count war-a war of attrition.