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Q: What life process means waste substance are removed from the body?
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How do you think the waste substance in the blood such as urea is removed from the blood?

I think they must be removed by a dialysis machine.

What process would waste be removed from the cell?

The process of removal of waste from the cell is called exocytosis i.e. throwing out of harmfull or waste substance from the cell by cellular organelli and this is done by lysosomes which are also knwown as susidal bags of cell. The help in destryoing of harmfull substances and to remove them out by diffusion in passive exrceation and by osmosis in active excreation.

What organ water is removed until waste is solid?

The large intestine

What means to process the waste paper to be used again?


What is the process of getting rid rid of waste?

The process is called "excretion". This means "to get rid of waste". Please don't cheat on worksheets, do them RIGHT!

Why diffusion is an important process to your body?

Diffusion is an important process to your body because molecules enter your body cells and waste products are removed.

What is the process called where urea and other waste materials are removed from the blood during kidney dialysis?

This process is called hemodialysis.

How does a cell gets rid of waste products like carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is removed from cells by a process known as diffusion.

What process produces waste carbon dioxide?

Burning (combustion) of organic substance will produce waste Carbon Dioxide. Also metabolic processes in living things produces waste Carbon Dioxide.

What waste substance is in the air that is exhaled?

For humans, the waste substance is carbon dioxide.

Is carbon dioxide a waste substance?

NO!!! It is NOT a waste substance. It is part of the carbon and oxygen cycles, which is a natural process. As humans we breath in oxygen, we eat food (carbonaceous material), We breath out carbon dioxide. Green plant life , then breathes in carbon dioxide, and in the process of photosynthesis, releases the oxygen back into the atmosphere, and the carbon becomes part of biomass ( food, edible material).

What do mean by flux and slag?

In (SMAW) Shielded Metal Arc Welding 'stick welding': Flux is the substance added to to molten metals to bond with impurities that can be readily removed. Slag is the waste material which is removed.