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Q: What lines the walls of the small intestine and absobs the nutrients that have been digested?
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What does villi do in the human body?

Villi lines the small intestine. They are what absorb nutrients into the body from the food that's eaten and passes through the digestive system.

How do the villi absorb nutrients?

The Small Intestine.Villi lines the wall of the small intestine.IntestineSmall IntestineThe small intestine.

Which tissue lines the small intestine?

The small intestine is lined by simple columnar epithelium, which is NONCILIATED, which means it does not have Cilia on its surface. Instead it has Villis and Microvillis which help to absorb digested food

What happens in the small intestine?

food digests and dissolve in your body

What lines the small intestine?


What kind of a cell lines the small intestine and assembles fat?

The small intestine is lined with epithelial cells. These specialized cells have microvilli on their surface, which increase their surface area for absorption. These cells play a key role in the absorption of nutrients and fats from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.

What type of tissue lines the peritoneal cavity of the small intestine?

The visceral peritoneum, a serious membrane, lines the outside of the small intestine where it meets the peritoneal cavity.

What type of epithelium lines the digested tract?

nonciliated simple columnar epithelium

Which tissue type lines the intestines and helps in the absorption of nutrients?


What type of epithelium lines the small intestine?

The intestinal epithelium, which covers the small and large intestine, is simple columnar and nonciliated. It lines most of the organs of the digestive tract.

Do leaves carry nutrients?

The answer to your question is no. But if you mean do leaves have nutrients or are leaves nutrional then yes. They do but they are the best way to get nutrients. It would be smarter to eat something else. Along the lines of nutrients and leaves though leaves make their own nutrients throught the process of photosynthesis.

Can you function with out a small intestine?

no we cannot. we need the small intestine to absorb nutrients in our food. with out it we would be dead. On the contrary. Many cancer, Crohns and other bowel disease patients function quite well with little or no bowels. Feeding is done via total parenteral nutrition (TPN) lines at night or whenever a few hours are available. Food can be eaten and after moving from the stomach it is collected in a colostomy appliance. Please see Related question and answer below for a more in depth explaination.