

What litter kills turtles?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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plastic bags

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Q: What litter kills turtles?
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How does litter kill turtles?

Turtles are like many other animals in thefact that they eat what they find. A turtle could find litter on the ground, eat it, choke, and die.

Can you flush pampuss cat litter?

Not in California. Its illegal to flush any cat litter or feces in California. Kills sea otters.

How does litter kill?

Turtles are like many other animals in thefact that they eat what they find. A turtle could find litter on the ground, eat it, choke, and die.

What is a enemy for a turtle?

for sea turtles, plastic bags. When sea turtles find plastic bags, they assume that it's their favorite food, jellyfish. They can get strangled by these bags. DON'T LITTER!

Why is litter such a problem inside the building?

Litter kills animals when they digest it and it becomes stuck or it poisons them. Another way it kills them is when they get stuck in it. For example a Dolphin could get stuck in a piece of net that has been thrown in the sea. This will stop them from feeding and breathing so eventually they will die.

Does littering killing your fish?

If litter gets into the ocean it may cause polution. This efects fish because if a fish is hungry it may eat the litter. Litter like ballons can be poisonus to fish. So if a fish eats a poisonis piece of garbadge i may become very sick and die. The moral of the story is litter kills fish.

What are three reasons why sea turtles are endangered?

1.some people think turtles are yummy2.some people think turtle soup is yummy3.some people are heartless and kill turtles4.some people make necklaces out of turtle shells5.some people smash turtles when they are babies and they can't make it out to the water on time.6.some people litter in the ocean, and turtles get strangled7.some people think it's "cool" to kill turtles for fun:*( don't act cool... please for the turtles' sake?!?!

Why is the mud turtle e protected?

they aren't really endangerd all turtles are and it's coused from YOU! you litter water gets poluted ya you get the picture even i have to confess i litter sometimes PLZ stop littering ! do you want our invierment get all poluted?

What does litter do?

What it means- Litter- Trash on the ground ouside. Litter does 5 things- -Makes the world look ugly -Kills animals -Harmful to the Earth. For example! Plastic bags are made of oils. Oils are bad for the Earth. -Bad for the kids. When a young child goes to a park he/she may not be smart enough to know that trash on the ground is not safe. -Harms our waters.

What are some of the threats for turtles?

1. "Give me your turtle eggs or I am going to kick your shell all across this beach." 2. Small boat propellors, litter, plastic bags, rings, etc.

What is litter a collective noun for?

Litter in the context of trash on the ground has no group noun of its own. Litter is the context of newborn animals is the collective noun. Example: A litter of kittens was nestled in a basket.