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frequently ordered to diagnose or rule out pneumonia. Other pulmonary disorders such as emphysema or pneumothorax (presence of air or gas in the chest cavity outside the lungs) may be detected or evaluated through the use of chest x ray.

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Q: What lung problems are checked with a chest x ray?
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Chest x-ray shows a scratch in my lung?

If a chest x-ray shows a scratch on the lung it may be an indication of an infection. A radiologist or physician would inform the patient of further treatment methods.

How may cardiac diseases be diagnosed from a chest x ray?

Congestive heart failure and other cardiac diseases may be indicated on the view of a heart and lung in a chest radiograph.

Describe 3 methods of assessment of the respiratory system?

blood gas analysis, chest x-ray and lung function test

How are x-rays used for lung abscesses?

The doctor will use the results of a chest x ray to help distinguish lung abscess from empyema, cancer, tuberculosis, or cysts. In patients with lung abscess, the x ray will show a thick-walled unified clear space or cavity surrounded by solid tissue

Is it common to have chest pain every now and then after suffering a pulmonary embolism?

Yes, or at least my doctor told me it was. I get some pain every now and then when I breathe. At first I thought I had another embolism, but when I got a chest x-ray there wasn't one. My doctor said it was just the scar tissue in my lung, and my lung attempting to repair itself. Everyone is different though, if you are worried about the pain go to your doctor and get a chest x-ray.

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What does Rule out early infiltrate of right lung mean?

"Rule out early infiltrate of right lung" is information shared by your health care provider with the radiologist doing your chest x-ray. It means, "Make sure there's not a small fluid abnormality in the right lung."

Is a chest x- ray necessary to determine bronchitis or pneumonia?

A chest x-ray cannot diagnose bronchitis. A chest x-ray may show pneumonia, but one can have pneumonia with a normal chest x-ray.

Can you have bronchitis with little or no cough I started out with a little stuffy nose and slight sore throat with chest congestion But dr said lungs sounded clear so I am confused?

That is exactly what happened to me and i happen to be quite experienced with lung problems. I have just gotten it again. do you have any wheezing or chest dicomfort? If you do, i would think yoiu have bronchitis

Icd code for abnormal chest x-ray?

87.49 ICD -9 (Routine) , or 87.49( Non-Routne) such as ER, outpatient, or other visit - othe chest xray ( certain locations : brochus, diapham, heart, lung, mediastinum, trachea)

What are staging procedures in diagnosis of lung cancer?

A chest x ray may be ordered to check for masses in the lungs. Special imaging techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),

What is lordotic chest X ray view good for?

To see the apecies of the lung. In a regular PA view of the chest the clavicles and ribs are in the way, sometimes shadowing stuff. So an apical view or lordotic view is taken so they are not superimposed.