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Rome was powerful for many reasons. Three of them are they used the republic form of government, they gave Roman citizenship to conquered citizens, and they had a gigantic army with the legion as their military formation. All these and many more things made Rome so powerful.

Rome was powerful because of their republic form of government. They had many people in charge of making decisions for the 2 consuls, the military and civic (what the people want) consuls. Romans thought that the republic was fair but only the patricians could participate in the senate until the plebeians revolted in 367 BC. The republic helped keep citizens happy and to keep track of the army. They took the Italian Peninsula in 396 BC. The Gauls then attacked and sacked Rome and almost eliminated the Roman Republic. This republic idea helped build back up after being destroyed.

Rome was also powerful because they gave Roman citizenship to conquered people. This made it very easy to rule over foreign lands. If Rome expanded too much and never gave the conquered tribes citizenship, they could all revolt and turn on Rome. When the conquered now citizens were accepted as citizens, they could enjoy the protection of the Roman legions and the extent of Rome's wealth. With Roman citizenship, there were many benefits for conquered tribes who needed protection.

The final reason Rome was powerful is that they had a mighty army with many legions protecting them. The Roman legions were so effective because they consisted of 3000 to 6000 men and 100 to 200 cavalry units. The Romans had 3 or more legions protecting their boundaries. With such a big amount of land, they needed many men protecting their borders and making sure there are no revolts. Rome was powerful in many ways including the republic, a big army, and the gift of citizenship to conquered territories and many more. Rome was the most powerful empire/republic ever so far in history when they owned 752,899 square miles of land all around the Mediterranean Sea.

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Its army and its method of governing made ancient Rome powerful.

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What countries influenced ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome was surrounded by Greece, Gaul, Spain and Africa. The Roman Empire stretched as far west as the British Isles.

Why were Aqueducts so important to Ancient Rome?

coz they were so amazing and Justin bieber is so hot

How did glass impact society in the 1900's?

Glass was made long before the 1900's. Ancient Rome made glass and you can buy ancient Roman glass jewelry today. The Chinese and Egyptians also had glass in their ancient societies, so by the 1900's it had been around for thousands of years.

Why was boudicca so important?

beacause she was queen of rome >>>> Ancient British Queen

Why was the location of ancient rome so ideal?

ancient Rome was in the middle of the known world at that time.

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What countries influenced ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome was surrounded by Greece, Gaul, Spain and Africa. The Roman Empire stretched as far west as the British Isles.

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coz they were so amazing and Justin bieber is so hot

Why was there no swimming in ancient rome?

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A thing, invention, and I don't Know and so on and on and on......

Why was boudicca so important?

beacause she was queen of rome >>>> Ancient British Queen