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A revival of interest in learning, due to the importation of important scientific and medical advances of the muslims. Also caused increased trade to acquire the luxuries the soldiers had become acquainted with, that help to transmit the Bubonic Plague into many formerly isolated areas

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Q: What major impact on Western Europe did the Crusades have?
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What benefits did the crusades bring to Europe?

Crusades had a major impact on the building of castles as many large castles were built across Europe. The crusades were expensive and led to the creation of governmental processes to asses and collect taxes. In turn, this led to the current taxation system that has now been adopted around the world.

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What are major results of the crusades?

The development of new economic interests for europe

What were the positive and negatives of the crusades?

Positive: -It helped get western Europe out of feudalism -The Muslims were weakened by the Crusades even though they won and were not strong enough to take over the rest of western Europe. -Advancements in medicine (when the knights were in Arab and Persian nations they saw this advancements and brought it back to Western Europe) -This brought Western Europe with Eastern Europe and laid the start of the Renaissance -We gained knowledge of architecture, literature, and geography, medicine as we mentioned, and maths. Negative: -Many people were persecuted such as the Jews -Western Europe was unable to gain control of Jerusalem

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Western and Eastern Europe.

One major result of the crusades was?

spread of middle eastern culture and technology to Europe.

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fire arms and cash crops or new food crops that improved the European diet

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Is the marine west coast a major climate of Europe?

The Marine Climate is a major climate of Europe. It is the climate of Western Europe.

Why have western influences have had a major impact all over the world?

Western influence had such a major impact on the world because they see how much more simple these westerners were living.