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Q: What major water way was ancient Greece and Rome located on?
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Is there a major water source in ancient greece?

There were no rivers in Ancient Greece.

Why was Sparta located in ancient Greece near the Evrotas River?

becuse it was near a water source

Water systems that contribute to ancient Greece's livelihood?

Greece is a country in southeastern Europe. Water systems that contribute to ancient Greece's livelihood was trading through sea.

How were regions organized in Greece?

In ancient Greece, regions were organized into city-states.

What were hot drinks in Ancient Greece?

Ancient Greece did not have hot beverages. Beer, wine and water were the beverages that they drank.

What kind of jobs did the kids have in ancient Greece?

kids in ancient Greece often did house work like collecting water.

Were the ancient Greeks exposed to large bodies of water?

Were the ancient greece exposed to large bodies of water

What was the military like in ancient Greece What was ancient Greek law Ancient Greek defence?

In Athens, they had a strong navy because they were on the water. In Sparta, they had the strongest military in all of ancient Greece.

Where did people in ancient Greece get thire water?

Greece got thire water not by the sea but by batering or buying it from other people

Why were the bodies of water of ancient Greece so important?

They needed water to survive.

What bodies of water surround ancient Greece?

The seas that boarder ancient Greece are; Aegean, and Mediterrean Sea

What made Greece a crossroads of the ancient world?

Basically, it was part way in between the area of the Roman/Gothic region, the Far East Asian powers, and the African powers. It was strategically located on the Mediterranean Sea, connecting it by water to other major empires.