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George and Lennie are different from the other men who work on ranches because of their close bond and dependence on each other for emotional support. While the other men are typically isolated and lonely, George and Lennie have each other for companionship. Additionally, George looks out for Lennie's well-being, which sets them apart from the more individualistic and self-centered nature of the other ranch workers.

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Q: What makes George and Lennie different then the men who work on the ranches?
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Why does Lennie kill George?

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Lennie does not kill George. George ultimately makes the difficult decision to shoot Lennie to prevent him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of others after an accidental tragedy Lennie causes. George kills Lennie out of a sense of compassion and mercy.

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The boss suspects George of taking advantage of Lennie for his work and possibly withholding his wages. This suspicion arises from seeing Lennie's reliance on George for direction and protection, leading to the assumption that George may be exploiting Lennie's labor for personal gain.

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The boss suspects that George is trying to take advantage of Lennie by speaking for him and making decisions for him, rather than letting Lennie speak for himself. This leads the boss to question George's motives and the nature of their relationship.

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George protected Lennie by looking out for his well-being, providing guidance, and making sure he stayed safe from harm. He always tried to keep Lennie out of trouble and tried to create a safe and stable environment for him.

What makes the men think Lennie is armed?

The men think Lennie is armed because George tells them that Lennie has a gun. George does this to create the illusion of danger in order to protect Lennie from the other men on the farm who may want to harm him.

Why does crooks makes Lennie believe that george will not come back for him?

Lennie is one of the few people that Crooks has power over. Lennie had just trespassed in Crook's room. Crooks is teasing Lennie, because he knows that Lennie depends on George to make every decision for him. When Lennie thinks this is true, he gets really worried. Because he is gulible, he believes him so easily.

How does Steinbeck present the relationship between George and Lennie in the novella?

Steinbeck presents Lennie's and George's at the start, as George been the leader, and Lennie been the one that follows George, and is always dependant on him. Also later on in the novella it prove's that George is very protective over Lennie and always has to remind him what to do in a dangerous circumtance. They are both dependant on eachother really, as The Great Depression was going on, and not many people had anyone, they where normally lonley, and working on ranches on there own, Steinbeck is trying to show that what Lennie and George have or shall i say "had" wasn't very common in those days.

Why doesn't George leave Lennie?

George feels a sense of responsibility for Lennie due to their long friendship and because Lennie relies on him for guidance and protection. Additionally, George may also feel a connection to Lennie and may have formed a bond that makes it hard for him to leave despite the challenges they face.

How does crooks torture and taunt Lennie?

Crooks taunts Lennie by suggesting that George may not return, leaving Lennie alone and defenseless. He also implies that George might get hurt, causing Lennie to become agitated and defensive. Crooks uses these tactics to provoke fear and insecurity in Lennie.

How does John Steinbeck establish right away how Lennie is dependent on george?

John Steinbeck establishes Lennie's dependency on George by showing Lennie constantly seeking reassurance and guidance from George, as well as relying on him to make decisions and provide for their basic needs, such as finding work and shelter. Lennie's limited mental capacity also makes him vulnerable and in need of George's care and protection.