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Well I'm A Leo So I Might Be Able To Answer This And Not Sound Like A Total Idiot. I Just Looked Up On Love Compatibility And It Basically Said That They Both Want Unconditional Love Which Means To Love Someone Regardless Of Their Qualites Or Actions. The Pisces Wants To Pretty Much Smother The Leo And Give Him Gifts Since Materialistic Things Isn't Important To Pisces. Then After That In This Case The Woman Will Spend Sometime Away From The Man To Think About If She Should Really Try It Out With This Guy. If The Pisces Comes Back Then There's A Good Chance They Will Hook Up. The Woman Might Also Be Trying To Tease The Man.

Hope It Helped:)

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Q: What makes Pisces women run away from Leo men?
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Which zodiac can be friends with Pisces?

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Tuarus. Cancer is water Taurus OS earth water makes grass grow. But Pisces is close but not the best

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