

What makes a dog cough?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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There are several possible causes. It can be anything from simple Allergies to something more serious, such as heartworms or congestive heart failure. The only way to get an accurate diagnosis, and recommendations for proper treatment, if any, is to visit the veterinarian. The sooner it is properly diagnosed, the better chance you may have of a successful treatment.

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11y ago

Nothing - human medications can be very dangerous for dogs. If your dog is having trouble breathing, you should take him to the vet immediately. However, if your dog is otherwise bright and alert but has a blocked nostril, you can probably just keep an eye on him for a few days and see if he clears the stuffy nose on his own.

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13y ago

Dogs can get cold or flu, just like humans and then they sometimes cough. There is a dog illness called kennel cough, which dogs can get from other dogs which would result in a dog coughing.

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15y ago

support and hot water mixed in cold water

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Why does your dog cough with an allergy?

A regular cough in a dog can be a symptom of "kennel cough," which the canine version of cold or flu, or it could be allergies, or it could be something much worse. Take your dog to the vet ASAP to find out what's wrong and learn how to treat it.

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it depends what jab your getting for your dog. If you get the kennel cough jab then that treat kennel cough (obviously) etcetera etcetera. but if you get the annual dog jab then it treats most common diseases.

Can a dog get kennel cough after they get that shot?

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