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A gene consists of a specific sequence of bases; variations in that sequence make for a different gene.

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Q: What makes alleles of the same gene different from each other?
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What allows humans to have different traits?

Different alleles allow people to have different traits from each other.

What allows these mice to have different traits from each other?

The mice have different alleles or something

How are traits controlled by two alleles multiple alleles and multiple genes similar and different?

Each have a different genetic code that gives instruction to the brain and other cell bodies.

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they are different to each other

How many alleles does a body cell have for each trait?

Every sex cell has one allele for each trait. after meiosis, pairs of chromosomes separate and alleles for each trait also separate into different sex cells.

Where is location of different alleles of the same gene?

One of the different alleles would be at the same gene locus on each of the paired chromosomes.

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Different mice have different alleles

Why don't brothers and sisters look identical to each other?

Brothers and sisters are not identical because they have different combinations of alleles.

Different forms of gene?

Alleles are the different types of genes.

The Arabian spiny mouse is a species of mouse different mice in this species can have different traits what allows these mice to have different trails from each other?

Different mice have different alleles

For each trait there are allele possibilities?

Yes, that is correct. Each trait is controlled by genes, and genes exist in different forms called alleles. For any given trait, an individual can have two alleles—one inherited from their mother and one from their father. These alleles can have different variations, resulting in different expression of the trait.