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In my opinion, Barack Obama is unique because he is a man that has consistently taken the high road when faced with malicious attacks against his politics, character and, most obviously, his race. He made no excuses for the obstacles of his background; instead he used them as a catapult to launch him miles ahead of his opponents. President Obama was smart enough and capable enough to immediately take the issue or his race off the table, to put focus on his ability to run the nation. With the intelligence, resilience, and perseverance that has been demonstrated by Obama, as a politician, makes him unique in his own right. Along with this point, Barack Obama is a symbol. He is the symbol of change of the United States to the world. On a global scale, the United States has a less than desirable image to the other politically and financially powerful contries. This ultimately affects our daily lives, and this is something that may not be realized to the average American. Barack Obama being commander in chief may very well improve the image of the U.S. on a global scale. There may very well be more information, or more accurate information regarding this question. In my personal opinion, however, these two points are what make Barack Obama unique.

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The most talked-about difference is that his father was a black man and not a US citizen. Obama is the only president born in Hawaii.

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