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Q: What makes carbon-14 so useful in carbon dating or radio dating and could a stable isotope be used the same way?
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Is carbon in octane an isotope?

No, It is stable.

What are some benefits of carbon dating to humans?

Carbon dating is very important. Carbon dating is the radio-activity of Carbon 14 which is unstable so it emits protons once in a while in order to become a more stable isotope. Using Carbon dating, we can determine with accuracy how old something is.

What happens to the daughter isotope of Carbon-14?

The daughter isotope of carbon-14 is carbon-12. The stable form of carbon.

Is carbon 13 unstable?

No, it is a natural stable isotope.

Is carbon an stable element?

Carbon is non-radioactive excepting the isotope carbon-14.

If carbon has an atomic number of 6 is it stable?

Isotopes carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable; the isotope carbon-14 is radioactive and unstable.

Is the compound carbon inside octane an isotope or is it stable?

It is stable, containing six electrons.

Are the substances from number 12 isotopes why?

Carbon-12 is a natural and stable isotope of carbon.

What is carbon 13?

Carbon 12 is the most common isotope of carbon. 99.8% of all natural carbon in the universe as we know it is carbon-12

Which carbon is an unstable nucleus that will decay?

The best-known radioactive isotope of carbon is carbon-14, which is used for dating (calculating the age) of organic materials. However, carbon has several other isotopes, both stable and unstable:

Which isotope is most stable?

Carbon 12 and Carbon 13 are stable. All other isotopes of carbon are unstable and radioactive

What conclusions can be drawn about the existence of carbon-12 Carbon-13 and carbon -14?

Carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable. The fact that carbon-14 is unstable, with a relatively short half-life (very short compared to the age of the Solar System) means that it must needs have been produced more recently than the creation of the Solar System.