

Best Answer

sperm on your clothes. thatll keep em white

Any detergent that has any additives in is just another marketing ploy by the soap manufacturers to get a bigger share of the highly competitive market. Try this; Get a load of dingy whites,use your normal amount of detergent (plain, no additives) Set washer for HOT wash. After 5 minutes of agitation add 1 cup of liquid bleach. I guarantee your whites will be whiter. Let the surfactants of the soap do their intended job (loosen the soil) then let the chlorine bleach do its job (whiten). Also the adage "more is better" is just not true when coming to soap usage in washers and dishwashers. Most consumers use at least twice the amount they need to and are not getting good results. Detergents just loosen soil from fabric and allow it to become suspended in the water. If you don't get rid of ALL the soap you don't get rid of the soil. Try cutting down on soap usage, it will save you lots of money, and don't fall for the gimmick products that have flooded the market.

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Q: What makes clothes whiter bleach or tide?
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Does Tide have Bleach?

Some types have bleach.

Do tide pods contain bleach?

No, Tide Pods are only detergent.

Does tide detergent have oxygen bleach?

Tide powder detergent with bleach alternative does use a form of oxygen bleach; liquid Tide with bleach alternative uses a combination of enzymes and polymers to remove stains. See the links below to access the ingredient lists for these products. Scroll down below the 'ratings' for the tab to the ingredients.

Which one cleans better gain or tide?

Tide. But make sure it is the one without bleach.

Did Egyptians use bleach?

No they use tide and surf

How good does tide take out stains?

Great I used it an it was whiter than before and smells great too

Which laundry detergents will remove ketchup stains the best tide gain or woolite?

Mix bleach a cap of bleach, a sink of water, and tablespoon baking soda in a sink and scrub with a toothbrush or similar brush.

Which laundry detergent will not fade clothes?

Cheer is great for not fading clothes, Also Tide Total Care and Tide Coldwater are great as well.

How do you remove a stain in your clothes?

The best way to remove stains is to use bleach and use a scrubber with soap to try to work out and loosen the stain. Tide to go is a handy tool to have when getting stains while out and about.

Why do eskimos wash their clothes in tide?

It is much too cold to wash them out tide

Why do eskimos wash thir clothes in tide?

It's much too cold to wash them out tide.

Why do Arctic explorers wash their clothes in Tide?

It is much too cold to wash them out tide.