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Q: What makes electrolytes power a light bulb?
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Can you power a light bulb with electrolytes from Gatorade?

yes you can power a lightbulb by putting it over an open bottle of gatorade.

Are lemons and other assorted fruits good enough to power up a light bulb just because of the citric acid or electrolytes in fruit. are fruits the best to use to power up a light bulb?

you know the lemon doesn't work because there isn't enough power to power a ligt bulb.

How can lemon make a bulb light?

the Sparks on the copper makes the wire on the light bulb makes the 9v light bulb turn on.

How do you experiment an energy drink?

Depends which kind. If it has Electrolytes you can add a small light bulb to a controlled amount of the drink. The light bulb should light up, at least dimly.

How do you light up a bulb with a salt and distilled water?

when salt is dissolved in water, it creates electrolytes which allows the FLOW OF ELECTRICITY but you still need a power source (battery)

What is the power of light bulb mesured in?

a light bulb is measured in watts

What are the positives of a light bulb?

it makes light

How is a light bulb powered?

light r bulb same power taken

What makes a light bulb an example of radiation?

The luminous radiation emitted by the light bulb.

What are the positive effects of a light bulb?

it makes light

What is Something that makes light?

a light bulb dummy.

What was the content in the first bulb?

The bulb contains electomagnetic waves that makes the bulb light.