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According to The Bible, one thing would be the fact that mankind is 'made in God's image', with the potential for possessing God's attributes of love, justice, wisdom and power.(Genesis 1:27)(Job 35:11)

Animals are 'instinctively wise' (Proverbs 30:24), but man has the ability to love, plan, dream, reason, make moral choices...choosing right or wrong, show honesty, kindness, compassion, altruism. Other creations bring glory to their creator by their beauty, complexity, intricate design and amazing inborn abilities, but human beings, everywhere on earth, WORSHIP. It's another human characteristic that separates us from the rest of creation...the need to look to a higher power for direction. (Jeremiah 10:23)(Matthew 6:33)


Man seems to have decided itself that we were made in God's image, though it seems quite blatantly obvious that humans, who are respectively destroying the planet and its resources, who are so flawed that some manage to bite the side of their own face, are not made in God's image, the creator of heaven and earth. In my opinion, what differs humans from other beings is our arrogance and attitude that we are better than other creatures, that manage to live in harmony, due to our intelligence that is causing us to destroy the world.(comment by Paddywag)

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15y ago

First, HE created man in his own image. Secondly HE put into man's body a soul, a part of himself. In no other creature is this so.

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11y ago

God created humans before he created plants and other creatures. God created humanity as the high point of creation, giving us great dignity and power.

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8y ago

We have an eternal soul, free-will, self-awareness, and powerful emotions. See also:

The importance of Creation

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Q: What makes man different from other creations of God?
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