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Q: What makes moringa tea good to boost your immune system?
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What do you do if your immune system is lowered?

Take an immune boosting vitamin or tonic, see a pharmacist or a natropath to get one suitable to your needs, however Fusion astra 8 is quite a good natural product also ethical nurtients makes a good immune boost as well hope this helps

Explain why the immune system is less effective is a person with HIV?

The reason the immune system is less effective in a person with HIV is because the virus attacks the immune system and makes it weaker.

What does the lymph nodes do in the immune system?

it makes sperm cells

When a vaccine is given the immune system makes these in response?


Does stress weaken your immune system?

It definitely weakens your immune system! I contracted MRSA 4 years ago (due to surgery) and it took over a year after being off of IV antibiotics to build up my system enough that I would not have to go to the dr everytime I got a cold. I just could not fight anything off! Even now, I have a hard time kicking a minor cold.

What happends to your immune system whilst your body is fighting off a new infection?

The immune system is compromised; which makes the person more susceptible to other infections.

Can hand sanitizer make your immune system weak?

yes hand sanstizer can make your immune system weak it depresses ur body and your skin it makes your immune system weak and bored because HS is always killing the germs first

What are two good exercise habits?

They could help your immune system and it makes you more healty

How Mono affects the body?

it attacks your immune system and makes u more vulnerable to viruses.

What makes you the immune system?

White blood cells that are maintained by the spleen along with red blood cells.

Which makes viral infections difficult to defeat?

The immune system must attack the bodys own cells

What can anemia do?

It makes you tired and weak Anemia can also make it easier for you to bruise, and weaken your immune system.