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Ribosomes are the organelles that specializes in protein synthesis, along with help from mRNA and tRNA.

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Q: What makes proteins other than ribosomes?
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What part of the cell is responsible for making proteins?

There is no specific part of the cell, other than in the ribosome. The ribosome is the part that makes the protein at the end of the process known as protein synthesis. Ribosomes are actually proteins themselves, and are called rRNA, or ribosomal RNA.

How does the function of free ribosomes differ from the function of ribosomes attached to other organelles?

Different proteins are produced on free-floating ribosomes than on ones attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In a general sense, proteins that will be used at the ER will be produced on attached ribosomes. Proteins that are meant for secretion will be made on free-floating ribosomes.

Why would there be more ribosomes in a hormone producing cell than in a skin cell?

Hormones are made from proteins and ribosomes make proteins. The ribosomes are there to produce protein for the hormones so they can grow, repair or make new cells

Why animal cells have more ribosomes than plant cell?

Much more need for proteins in animal cells. Much of plant building material is forms of glucose made by photosynthesis, so not the great need for the " workbench " on which proteins are synthesized; the ribosomes.

Why does the salivary gland have more rough endoplasmic reticulum?

Saliva contains many different kinds of proteins. The endoplasmic reticulum functions as a processing center for proteins. mRNA is translated to proteins on either free ribosomes or ribosomes bound to the ER, the polypeptide enters the ER where it is processed and folded correctly. It then exits and is packaged into vesicles by the Golgi apparatus. These vesicles are then released to the outside of the cell via the secretory pathway. Since the salivary gland must secrete more proteins than other cells, it makes sense that it would need more ER.

Why are there more ribosomes in a hormone-producing cell than a skin cell?

Hormones are usually made out of proteins and lipids. Ribosomes make proteins. Skin is also protein. But most likely, more hormones are made in a hormone-producing cell (called an endocrine cell) in a faster turnover than a skin cell. Thus, there would need to be more ribosomes in the endocrine cell.

Are there ribosomes in a cell other than on the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

yes free ribosomes in cytoplasm

How are ribosomes structurally different than other organelles?


What makes the animal cell more unique than plant cells?

the animal cells have more functions than plant cells that make the cell unique. they comtain ribosomes where as plant cells do not include ribosomes. there are also some other functions that are in a animal cell but not in a plant cell.

How can lots of ribosomes speed up making proteins?

A single mRNA molecule can have more than one ribosome translating it at a time. Another ribosome can attach and start translation before the previous one has finished. Therefore the more ribosomes there are the more proteins made from a single transcript at one time.

What are the functions of the nucleolus and the nuclear envelope?

I can say that the nucleolus makes rRNA or ribosomal RNA, which makes up much of the ribosomes, but I'm not so sure about the nuclear envelope, other than that it's a membrane for the nucleus.

Are ribosomes bigger than mitochondrions?

Mitochondria are larger than ribosomes.70s ribosomes can be seen inside the mitochondria.So ribosomes are much smaller