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Sunflower seed oil is used to make fine art paint.

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Q: What makes sunflower seeds to smell and taste like paint?
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How do you select sunflower seeds?

You can buy sunflower seeds either with or without shells. They are generally available in prepackaged containers as well as bulk bins. Just as with any other food in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing the sunflower seeds are covered and that the store has a good product turnover to ensure maximum freshness.When purchasing seed with shells, make sure that the shells are not broken or dirty. Additionally, they should be firm and not have a limp texture. When purchasing seeds without shells, avoid those that appear yellowish in color as they are probably rancid. In addition, if you are purchasing sunflower seeds from a bulk bin, smell them to ensure that they are still fresh.

Is sunflower has a sweet smell?


Why do you smell paint when there is no reason to smell it?

The spray paints and most types of paints contain three components namely the pigment, the binder also called the resin and the solvent that is also called the dispersant. The dispersant is what makes the spray paint smell.

Which has a more pleasant smell a sunflower a rose?

Preference, I personally dislike the smell of roses - Where as I quite like the smell of sunflowers.

What flower have no smell?

butter cups.'

What is red and smell like paint?

The Grinch on New Years!

What makes bathroom drains smell?

What makes a bathroom drain smell, soap makes a bathroom drain smell

How does Behr paint smell?

It depends on what kind you buy, usually they smell terrible

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What does paint smell like?

It smells musky

What clear and smells like red paint?

Red paints do not all smell alike. -The colour is irrelevant, paint smell differs according to composition.

What can you use to remove smell from spoiled paint?

You can use an onion to remove the smell from spoiled paint. In the room or area where the bad smell is lingering, peel an onion and cut it in half. Place on a plate and leave it there for a couple of days.