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do u go to tiffin because we got a peice of hw that has that exact question. cheating are you??

Lol, i want the real answer though because im doing it now.

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Q: What makes the human circulation system so efficient at carrying oxygen to the tissues?
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Why is the blood that enters the heart from systemic circulation oxygen poor?

Systemic circulation circulates through body tissues but not the lungs.

Why is the blood the enters the heart from the systemic circulation oxygen-poor?

Systemic circulation circulates through body tissues but not the lungs.

Which component of blood allows it to carry oxyen to tissues in the body?

Hemoglobin: the oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells that gives them their red color and serves to convey oxygen to the tissues

Why is it important for blood to travel through two separate pathways for circulation?

It is important for blood to travel through two separate pathways for circulation because it allows for efficient transport of oxygen-rich blood to the body tissues and oxygen-poor blood to the lungs for oxygenation. The pulmonary circulation pathway facilitates gas exchange in the lungs, while the systemic circulation pathway supplies oxygen and nutrients to all other body tissues. This separation helps optimize oxygen delivery and ensures proper functioning of vital organs.

Which vessel carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body tissues?

The large artery connected to the heart, called the Aorta.

Does smoking hurt the tissues in your body?

Smoking affects circulation of blood. Since blood vessels feed tissues, then yes, smoking hurts tissues because it reduces oxygen being delivered to the tissues.

The aorta which Carrie’s oxygen rich blood from the heart to all parts of the body is a part of which circulation patheay?

Pulmonary Circulation Is Responsible For Carrying Oxygen-Poor Blood From The Heart To The Lungs And Returns Oxygen-Rich Blood Back To The Heart. The Oxygen-Rich Blood Then Enters The Systemic Circulation Which Is The Circuit Responsible For Bringing Oxygenated Blood From The Heart To The Rest Of The Body. In This Part Of The Worksheet, You Are To Trace The This problem has been solved! Pulmonary circulation is responsible for carrying oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs and returns oxygen-rich blood

What is a respiratory system pigment that carries oxygen?

Hemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying pigment in human blood. It includes iron in its makeup.

Why is hemoglobin present in red blood cells?

It makes the red blood cell much better at carrying oxygen!! It can absob oxygen easily and doesn't "leak" oxygen as the blood travels to the body tissues where the oxygen is needed!

What causes tissues in the brain or heart to die?

Poor circulation to the brain can cause tissues to die from lack of oxygen. Another cause of tissue damage in the brain can be a blow to your head or inhaling smoke from a fire more than oxygen (which can also cause suffocation).

How does the capillary bed function?

To allow the rapid and efficient transfer of oxygen and nutrients (glucose, electrolytes) from the circulation into the nearby cells, and transfer the carbon dioxide and waste products out of the cell back into circulation.

What does blood leaving the left side of the heart carry to the body?

When blood leaves the lungs the RBCs are carrying oxygen to be delivered to the tissues of the body.