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The pancreas produces all three of these proteins.

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Q: What makes trypsin insulin and glucagon?
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Insulin and glucagon are examples of what type of substances?

insulin and glucagon are examples of what type of substance

insulin and glucagon are examples of what type of substance?

insulin and glucagon are examples of what type of substance

What are the two hormones secreted into the blood stream by the pancreas?

Cholecystokinin (secreted when chyme enters the duodenum) causes the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas.Gastrin has also been shown to induce production of pancreatic enzymes by centroacinar cellsthe above answer is not correct.secretin and pancreozymin are the two most important hormones which stimulates synthesis and release of pancreatic juices

What are the different functions of the pancreas and how is the pancreas directly related to digestion?

pancreas makes enzymes and hormones such as insulin and glucagon for the body. It secretes digestive enzymes such as amylase which digests starch. It also produces lipase (which breaks down fats) and trypsin (which is a protein processor).

What hormone does the pancreas release in response to high concentration of blood sugar?

That would be the peptide hormone called "Glucagon". (GLOO-kuh-gone)

Which hormone antagonizes glucagon?

This is the hormone glucogon. The two work together to maintain homeostatis of blood glucose.

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What chemical does the pancreas release?

The pancreatic beta islets produce insulin. Alfa cells produce glucagon. Insulin and glucogon produce a homeostatic method to produce normal blood glucose levels.

What is the role of the pancres?

The PANCREAS is an organ which secretes hormones (insulin, glucagon) and enzymes (trypsin, lipase). It is part of the digestive and gastrointestinal system.