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Q: What makes up the supreme law of the land?
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What makes up the law of the land?


What makes up the Supreme Law of the US according to the US Constitution?

the leader, congress and the people...

If the US President approves a law does it go to US Supreme Court?

No, the Supreme Court has no part of the law making process. If someone challenges the validity of a law, it may end up in the Supreme Court.

What does the constitution say is the 'supreme law of the land?

because it is an important law for the us citizens.

What makes up the judiciary branch of government?

The courts and the Supreme Court.

How many people makes up in then supreme court and congress?


What kind of land makes up the US?

What kind of land makes pu thé us

Which laws are the Supreme Laws of the Land?

In 1793 the US Constitution became the supreme law of the USA. This was a change from the Articles of Confederation under which the former American colonies lived under. Even in the world of the late 18th century, the Framers of the Constitution understood that to survive in a world dominated by monarchs and their parliaments or other legislative bodies, the US needed to have a stronger Federal government to collect tariffs and call up armies for defense.

Did the US Supreme Court change the law on legal immigrants and deportation?

No. This issue will probably work its way up to the Supreme Court, but hasn't yet.

Hoo maxs up th judishal branch?

the Supreme Court makes up the judicial branch -- By Declan

Who makes up federal law IN THE US?


Who makes up the judicial branch at the state level?

if i understand your question, it is the state supreme court