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Hurricanes, or clouds

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Q: What makes white swirls around earth?
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What are the white swirls that you can see on earth from space called?


What does the color bluish marble look like?

A bluish marble looks exactly like the Earth, with some swirls of color white scattered along the surface.

Is the moon really white?

The moon is actually black. The light pollution from earth makes it look white

Will the white puffy dress with black swirls on it from the Hannah Montana movie ever be in stores?

maybe...if they made copies

What do animals in the arctic ocean eat?

The sun is orange but on Earth, it is white or yellow because the amosephere makes a gas, and the gas makes the sun turn white.

What is your idea for the future of bathtub/shower designs, amenities, and experiences?

Try doing bold white. Along with nice swirls.

Is Halley's Comet's glow white?

Blue around the edges of the comet and white at the base when your viewing it from Earth

What is the white planet-like object that rotates around the earth in space?

The moon.

What is the main color of the earth?

Leaving out the clouds, the main color is blue because of the oceans. You'd expect the continents to be green because of all the plants, but if you look at pictures, they're often mostly tan. Overall: blue and tan with lots of overlaid white swirls.

Was Nicolas Copernicus a white mathematician?

yes he thought that earth and other plantes revolved around the sun not the other way around

What is Jasper color?

Jasper color is a ocean green, blue color. @ times one is able to see the white swirls within the color just as one would see the white on a wave that's heading inland

Why do umpires have to wear bright white shoes white polo white shorts and a cap and a whistle around the neck?

It makes them more visible for the crowds, and distinguishes them from other officials.