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The longest nerve cell in most mammals isthe sensory neuron that convey signals from the part of the body furthest from the head to the medulla.

Among mammals that live on land, the giraffe would have the distinction of having the longest at about 15 feet. But remember that whales are mammals, and while little is known about detailed whale anatomy it is likely that the sensory nerve that transmits sensation from the tail fin of the blue whale to the medulla would be tens of meters long, though it might be difficult to verify this by tracing the pathway of something so small for so far.

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about 4 feet

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Q: What mammal has the longest nerve cell?
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What is the longest cell in the human body?

Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. And Nerve cell is the longest cell in the human body. So the motor and sensory cell that go to the feet are the longest cells in your body. They go from your back to the feet. The sensory cell go to the tip of great toe.