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Isaac newton is the scientist associated with the theory of gravity. He formulated the law of universal gravitation in the late 17th century, explaining the force that attracts objects towards each other.

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Mainly Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein.

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Q: What man associated with the theory of gravity?
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What name means man standing straight?

The name "Daniel" means "God is my judge" and can be associated with the idea of a man standing straight in terms of integrity and righteousness.

How has the evolutionary theory been abused or misinterpreted?

The evolutionary theory has been misinterpreted and abused in various ways, such as misusing it to justify social Darwinism, racism, or sexism. These misinterpretations stem from a misunderstanding of the theory, which actually emphasizes cooperation and adaptation within a species for survival and reproduction, rather than competition between groups. It's important to approach evolutionary theory with a nuanced understanding to avoid such misinterpretations.

What social scientist would be most likely to study peking man?

An anthropologist or an archaeologist would be most likely to study Peking Man, as they focus on understanding human evolution, prehistoric societies, and ancient civilizations. These professionals would be interested in analyzing the fossils and artifacts associated with Peking Man to gain insights into human origins and cultural practices of early Homo erectus populations.

When did the upright man live?

The Upright Man is a term commonly used in the Bible to refer to individuals who followed the laws of God. There is no specific time frame associated with the Upright Man, as it is more of a symbolic or moral concept rather than a reference to a specific person who lived at a certain time.

What is an anthropophagite?

An anthropophagite is a person who practices cannibalism, which involves consuming the flesh of other humans. This term is rarely used in modern contexts and is typically associated with extreme and taboo behavior.

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What man is associated with the theory of gravity?

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Who was associated with the theory of gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton.

What was the reason to create gravity?

Gravity was not created, it is a force of nature that was discovered. Unless you are talking about the reasons for having a theory of gravity; in which case the answer is to describe and predict gravity! On a more technical note; gravity is associated with the requirement that the laws of physics remain the same for every observer.

Did Einstein ever have a theory of gravity?

Yes, Einstein did produce a theory of gravity, and it is more accurate than Newton's theory of gravity.

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There are no things that are gravity. Gravity is a force that is associated with anything that has mass.

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Einstein's theory of gravity is called the General Theory of Relativity. It describes how mass and energy curve spacetime, causing objects to move in curved paths, which we perceive as gravity.

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