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Brass aluminium alloy is using to make the car-key, because it's material and mechanical properties are possible for the car-key.

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Q: What materials are used to make a car key?
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Can key a locksmith make a key for a car without the actually key?

No, but your car dealer can get a new key by the VIN Number.

Make a car key without a key?

All they need is the VIN number on the car. 1FMDU34XONUA41755

How do you make a copy of your car key?

Go to Ace Hardware with the Key and they will do it for you. Or you can go to the dealership where you bought the car

What are ILCO key systems used for?

ILCO key systems produce key blanks, which you would find when looking to get duplicate keys for your house, car, or other locks. They also produce the key cutting machines used to make the duplicate keys from the key blanks.

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Key information to include when selling any used car is the type and make of the car, the year it was released, the mileage and if it has been in any accidents.

How would you word a warranty on a used car?

"As Is" is a key word to place in the warranty of a used car.

How can one make a key organizer?

One can make a key organizer from many materials such as metal which can be crafted into a ring shape in which you can organize your keys to your specification.

What is a blank key used for?

Key blanks are used to make keys from. Cutting the particular notches to make it fit a certain lock is what turns a key blank into a key.

How much Lexus charge to make a Lexus key?

The amount that a Lexus dealership charges to make an additional key for a Lexus car depends on the year and model of the car.

How much Lexus charge to make a Lexus key-?

The amount that Lexus charges to make a new Lexus car key varies by year and model of the car and by dealership.

Can a used key fob be used on a different car?

Hell no. that's a digital key with different inscription codes.

Can you sell a car with no spare key without telling the purchaser?

Yes, you can sell a car with no spare key without telling the purchaser. It is not required by law that a used car have a spare key at the time of sale.