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The basic materials for a Betta are as follows:

A tank with a minimum size of 2.5 gallons, though at least 5 gallons is reccomended.

A heater that is safe for your size of aquarium, one that is adjustable and can be set to about 78F

Filtration if possible, though it is not required for betta's.

At least two types of food, I like to keep bloodworms and bettas pellets on hand. A variety in their diet makes their colors brighter and makes them live a lot longer. Feed them 2-3 minutes per day 6 days a week, and once a week, "fast" them, doing this prevents infections and constipation.

Do NOT use an air-bubbler in a small tank, Betta's can breathe just fine from the surface, however they can not handle any type of a current, as they live naturally in stagnant water (please note: stagnant means not moving, not dirty. Betta's do require clean water)

If the tank is less than 5 gallons, change 100% of the water every week, if it is 5-10 gallons AND filtered, change 50% of the water, 10 gallons and above, filtered, change 25% of the water.

the OPTIMUM Betta environment:

10+ Gallon tank, stocked with a single male or female Betta (never co-exist any Betta's, male or female, while it is possible to stock multiple females they will often turn on each other as they get older)

Other tankmates: Otoclincus Catfish, Corydoras catfish, and some have had success with Ghost Shrimp, but shrimp is also one of the Betta's favorite foods.

A heater appropriate to the tank (5W per gallone), that is adjustable, set to 78F, but increased to 82F if the Betta get's sick (fish don't get fevers, so you need to warm the water to fight disease)

A filter, such as a Tetra EX20 or Whisper EX20, one with a permanent biological filter and a carbon filter element. Tie a sponge to the end of the filter output, or place a piece of plastic there to defer the current (remember, betta's don't like current).

Live plants, and a log or cave for the Betta to hide in.

Other notes:

NEVER use plastic plants, as they cut the betta's fin. Either use real, or silk plants. Never stock betta's with any type of fin nipping or aggressive fish, as Betta's swim very slowly compared to other fish and their long fins often become targets. Betta's will also attack any colorful or long finned fish.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Breeding betta fish is a very expensive hobby however if you have the time and comittment then it can be very rewarding so before you try any thing you must have these things. aside from these you will need one male and a female betta fish.

-10 gallon tank

-large bushy silk plants

-25 watt fully submersible heater

-tight fitting lid or plastic wrap

- One divider to separate the male and female

- syphon

- One microwirm cutlure (purchased 3 weeks before spawning)

- 50 to 100 jars for the males to be jarred when they grow and start fighting

-corner filter (sponge)

-sponge filter

-healing medicine

-indian almond leaves if you don't use a styrofoam cup

-also maybe get fish bags for sending your little guys to there new home because your going to want to keep the containers they are in.

hope this did some good. and I don't recommend feeding baby brine shrimp as for it causes swim bladder disorder.

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