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Shellfish and pork.

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Q: What meat are the jewish not allowed to eat?
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Are Muslims not allowed to eat meat with bones?

Muslims are allowed to eat meat with bones (but of course not eating bones). Refer to question below for what meat allowed for Muslims to eat.

Are Jews allowed to eat meat and vegetables together?

yes they are they are only not allowed to eat dairy and meat together.

What type of meat is allowed to Muslim to eat?

They are allowed to eat any meat other than pork, as long as it is Halal.

Are muslims allowed to eat meat everyday?

Yes. They are allowed.

Can people who are not allowed to eat meat able to eat poultry?

No because its like meat. Chicken for instance is counted as meat.

Can Muslims eat crocodile meat?

It is not allowed.

What food are Jews not allowed to mix up?

Jewish law prohibits eating milk and meat together.

What type of meat do Jewish people eat?

They eat any kind of meat except for pork. However, it MUST be kosher.

What do Muslims eat that Jews cannot?

Jewish dietary laws are far stricter than those of halal, some examples of foods allowed in halal that aren't allowed in kashrut are: camel, shellfish, and combination of meat and milk.

What's the reason why Jews don't eat meat?

Jewish people do eat meat, although the meat of some animals is considered unfit for consumption in accordance with the Torah.

What do people eat on Palm Sunday?

It depends on the religion of the people. In some religions the meat is not allowed , or some other foods which came from animals , but in some others the meat is allowed.

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they do not eat meat. It is not allowed in their religion.