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Medicine don't cause cellulites. Causes:

  • Hormonal factors - Many believe estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin play a part in creating cellulites.
  • Genetics - Genes can predispose an individual to particular characteristics associated with cellulite, such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat just underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.
  • Diet - people who eat too much fat, carbs or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.
  • Lifestyle factors - it can be more prevalent in people who smoke and don't exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time.
  • Clothing - underwear with tight elastic band across the butt (limiting blood flow) may contribute to cellulites.
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What is cellulite?

The cellulite is fat accumulation on the body. An appareil cellulite can be used to make your body free from cellulite. The appareil cellulite is a very easy way to remove cellulite.

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im not shure but i think it does! i saw more cellulite on my body after using stevia every day in my cofee ,thats why i googled it and found this question...

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Do men have Cellulite?

Men can get cellulite too. Try Revitashape cellulite cream.

What are some possible risks to getting laser cellulite treatments?

Some risks to getting laser cellulite treatments are infection as well as other side effects. The procedure is quite expensive. It never has been proven to be effective. It has been shown to cause more cellulite in some cases. There is also the possibility of the cellulite returning even if the procedure initially works.

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