

What meditation actually means?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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12y ago

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According to Patanjali's "Yoga-sutras":

It's focusing the mind in just one point without distraction

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Yes, it is extremely peaceful. It is full of meditation, which is a form of relaxation. Meditation was actually founded in Hinduism!

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There may be a relationship between meditation and dementia. Several studies have shown that meditation may actually help to slow down the process of dementia.

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Seeing golden light or fire in meditation can symbolize purification, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation. It may indicate that you are experiencing a deeper connection to your inner wisdom and higher self, or that you are receiving divine guidance and protection. Embrace this experience as a sign of spiritual growth and awakening.

Can you actually get superpower from meditation?

Meditation can make us realize the Truth. Meditation can make us experience God in the temple of our heart, meditation can make us activate our super conscious which can communicate with the universe. Therefore yes, meditation can create a power which can be considered as a super power. But that is not the purpose of meditation. People who are trying to find a super power are running an illusory race of achievement, and they will never attain any super power - ultimately they will suffer. The way to go beyond all this is to meditate to realize we are the Divine Soul, by contemplating the Truth. We should not strive to get power which we will finally leave behind, but to use the power within to become the Divine that we actually are.

What does critical reading of the Bible mean?

It means to read the bible through meditation.

Does Chan Buddhism focus predominately on meditation?

The Chinese word Chan (禪) is based on the sanskrit term Dhyana, which means "meditation." So, yes, meditation makes up a large part of the practice. It is used to calm the mind.

What roles does meditation play in religion?

For me, meditation is the very center of religion. The word religion means for me scripture, ritual, rites of passage, tradition, and so forth. Meditation leads to a direct contact with the divine. Religion without meditation is like a river without water. Dry. Desolate. Empty of life.

What does meditation I by descarte means?

Meditation I introduces the idea that there might be nothing that we can really be sure of, and that information from our senses could be flawed and beleifs, even the strongest ones, do not constitute knowledge.