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Abuelita compares Esperanza's life to a vine climbing toward the sky, reaching for the sun despite the obstacles and challenges it faces. This metaphor symbolizes Esperanza's resilience, determination, and ability to overcome adversity in pursuit of her dreams and a better future.

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Q: What metaphor does Abuelita use for Esperanzas life?
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What metaphor does Abuelita use Esperanza life?

Abuelita compares Esperanza's life to a vine that needs to be cut back in order to grow stronger. This metaphor suggests that Esperanza must face challenges and hardships in order to develop resilience and strength.

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What words does a metaphor use?

a metaphor doesn't use any specific words, But a metaphor can not use the words "like" or "as". If "like" or "as" is used, it's a simile. A Metaphor is "something used to represent something else" or "A comparison between two things, without using like or as". For example: "life is a journey" - This is a metaphor because it is comparing Life to a Journey, and does NOT use like or as.

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With a metaphor that compares life to a sport

What is significant about the metaphor the children use?

The children use a metaphor for their journey that symbolizes hope and freedom. It represents their determination to escape their oppressive environment and start a new life. The metaphor also highlights the power of imagination and resilience in overcoming challenges.

What figure of speech is 'in your life had stood a loaded gun'?

This figure of speech is considered to be a metaphor. The function of a metaphor is to use a comparison between two things that are not alike.

What is a very involved metaphor called?

A very involved metaphor is often called an extended metaphor. This type of metaphor continues throughout a paragraph, stanza, or even an entire work, drawing out the comparison and exploring it in detail.

How would you use a metophor in a sentence?

My old mentor often used the metaphor: "life is a journey."

Why does Maya Angelou use the extended metaphor that compares life to a road What does the metaphor mean in the text What is its purpose Begin with a clear statement of explanation. How does this exte?

She uses extended metaphor to give more idea of the text

Does a metaphor use than?

No, because you compare two things directly eg: life is a roller coaster

How can you use metaphor in a sentence?

I say the word ''metaphor.''

How do you know if the sentence is metaphor?

a metaphor uses like or as