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Hives are an allergic reaction and as such can have many causes depending on what a specific horse is sensitive to. Often the cause is skin contact with an irritating substance or an insect bite though it can be from an ingested substance as well.

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Q: What might cause a horse to have what looks like hives all over?
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Can you get Hives from vitamin d?

No, absolutely not. If there are other ingredients in the vitamin for filler, they might, but vitamin D will not cause hives, it is an essential vitamin. Getting hives from vitamin D would be like getting hives from vitamin C.

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dragonflys might have hives

What causes rash on baby that looks like ant bites but comes and goes in different areas?

The rashes that looks like ant bite are hives.Hives occur when the body releases a chemical called histamine. There are so many possible reasons for hives that you may have trouble identifying the culprit. Here are the most likely ones:Insect bites and stings. If your child is allergic to bees or fire ants, for example, he could develop hives in reaction to being stung or bitten.Food. Your child might get hives in reaction to something he eats. The most likely foods to offend are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, pecans), soybeans, wheat, fish, and shellfish. Certain food additives and preservatives can also trigger hives. Your child may break out in hives because he's allergic to the protein in the food, or simply because his body reacts to a chemical in the food by releasing histamine. Some children even develop hives simply from coming into contact with certain foods - for example, when the juice from a strawberry gets on their skin.Allergens: Children who have developed an allergy to cats may break out in hives when they touch a cat. Your child may even react with hives to an allergen in the air, like pollen.Illness. Your child might get hives when he has a cold or other viral infection. Less commonly, he may get hives when he has a bacterial infection.Temperature. Sometimes cold temperatures cause hives. The same goes for a sudden change in temperature - such as when your child's skin warms up after being cold.Drugs. Antibiotics and some other medications might cause your child to break out in hives.GOOD LUCK

What kind of disease do you have if you itch every where?

You could have hives, which is an allergic reaction to food or medication. I advise that you contact your doctor immediately because it might be contagious or cause severe risk to your health. <------- Type that link into your address bar and compare the marks (if there are any) to the pictures and/or read the article about hives.

What is in seedless watermelon that would make someone break out in hives?

There is nothing necessarily in the watermelon that would make someone break out in hives. They might be allergic to watermelon and this would be why they broke out in hives.

When a horse is stressed or sick is its sweat white?

A horse's sweat isn't white. It foams and it looks white. It's completely normal, depending how much the horse was worked. If the horse wasn't worked, and it is sweating profusely, then there might be an issue.

What could cause hives vomiting diarrhea sweating?

You should probably go to the docter or check but maybe a food allergy, stomache flu. But you might want to go to the docters.

What do hives on the thigh specifically mean?

Hives on the thigh have no specific meaning, unless it might point to exposure to some allergen that took place only on the thighs.

Can Horses Eat Olives?

If you meant lettuce, a reasonable amount. If you meant packaged salad, a fairly small amount.

What do you get from the hives?

hives is a allergic reation to something that you take in or put on your skin and how you tell this is that you will have an aggrivating itch and will be red all over and swolen this can be treated by benadryll or and type of itching medicine but i would perferbally use banadryll and then rush to the hospitial so they can treat you cause it can reach your neck and might suffocate you!! so RUSH!

What are hives on a horse?

This condition in horses is similar to hives in humans. Most cases are allergic in origin, and there are many different causes of the allergic reaction. Hives can be caused by reactions to drugs, especially to antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Other causes include allergies to food, reactions to topical drugs or ointments placed on the skin, and seasonal reactions to pollen and molds in the environment. Occasionally hives are secondary to digestive disturbances. The welts that you have noticed occur most often on the neck and shoulder, but occasionally they can be found all over the body, including the legs. Most cases of hives are mild, but it is possible to develop a more acute case and the swellings can converge, forming a larger area. If the situation should progress to this point, it can present a difficulty, especially if the swelling impairs the horse's ability to breathe. Another symptom of hives is itching. You may or may not have noticed your horse rubbing various areas of his body on the fence or the barn or any other surface that will provide him some relief. The intensity of the itching will vary, from mild annoyance to severe scratching at any risk. If the itching should reach the latter stage, the attempts to relieve the itching could result in injury. Although urticaria (hives) is common in horses, there is no diagnostic test for it. However, the diagnosis is the easy part. Being able to say that the skin condition is indeed hives is easy. What is not easy is determining the source of the problem. In order to keep hives from recurring, it will be beneficial for you to know the cause. The best way is to eliminate the possible causes from your horse's environment. We know generally the kinds of things that cause hives; therefore, look at your horse's environment and his medical history (Has he been given any medication or treated with any ointments lately? Have you changed your brand of fly spray? Have you changed the type of feed or hay that your horse has been eating? Have you changed the type of bedding?). After that you can begin to narrow down the possible source. Also, there are external factors such as heat, cold, exercise, and stress that might intensify the allergic reaction. The best treatment for hives is, of course, to eliminate the source of the problem. Since that approach rarely is accomplished quickly, it often is necessary to treat the animal to relieve the signs. This is especially true if the reaction is progressing, and if further swelling is threatening to interfere with normal functions. In these acute situations, the best treatment is most likely one of the fast-acting corticosteroids, such as predisolone sodium succinate. This, and similar cortisone derivatives, are given intravenously and should only be administered under your veterinarian's direction. Occasionally the reaction to the disorder is life-threatening (for example, when there is a swelling in the throat resulting in impaired breathing), and epinephrine (adrenaline) may be needed to reverse the swelling quickly. Reactions of this nature might follow the administration of medications in an improper manner, such as procaine penicillin administered intravenously by accident. Fortunately, most cases of hives are not critical. Slower-acting corticosteroids might be effective as well as some of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. There are mixed reviews on antihistamines for this condition, with the majority of veterinarians choosing other treatments. Your horse might not exhibit any signs of extreme discomfort or pain from hives, but rest assured he really does not feel good, so it might not be advisable to pursue any plans to show your horse. If you intend on showing your horse in a halter class or any other kind of class that is based on general appearance, you might want to reconsider. He is not at his cosmetic best at this time. If you want to him to perform, he can probably oblige; however, if you want him to perform to his ultimate best, he probably will not be able to comply. When we ask our horses to perform, we want them at the peak of their ability, both physically and mentally. When a horse is suffering from even a mild case of hives, it remains doubtful if he feels up to giving you and his best performance. The problem of hives can recur with regularity. It is up to you to determine the source of your horse's problem. There is allergy testing that can be done on horses just as it is done on humans if the condition persists.

When your horse refuses food and water looks at their sides paws the ground and tries to lay down often what disease do they have?

Your horse might have colic. It can die if you don't get a vet to check him out. Tonight, she might die in her sleep because her stomach flipped. Be careful- you may not have her tomorrow. :(