

What might cause muscles to get larger?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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work out, dont eat fat food, and stay heathly

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Q: What might cause muscles to get larger?
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Why might the muscles in your writing hand be larger than the other hand?

You would be using them more often.

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because they are larger

The muscles that cause mydriasis and miosi?

The dilator muscle which makes the pupil larger and the constrictor muscle which makes the pupil smaller.

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Exercising after eating could cause cramps.

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Vomiting tends to make the body tense up. The hand muscles might contract as a result of this tensing. Also, vomiting can cause dehydration which can make muscles contract.

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If you exercise a lot, it should be totally normal to have larger muscles.

What is the orgin of NO Pain NO Gain No pain?

because when you exercise your muscles are strained and get micro tears in them which is normal. the tears cause your muscles to hurt but when they heal the muscle gets larger and stronger like building callsuses in skin so if your muscles don't hurt after exercise then you don't gain any muscles.

Will going braless cause the breast to grow larger?

Not bigger but they might get longer without support.

How are muscles formed?

Muscles form by being torn (soreness) and then they are rebuilt with proteins and are larger.

Does biking make your thigh muscles larger?

Yes. But it means you would have to bike a lot. Thigh muscles grow larger with time, so you need patience.

What is the difference between your face muscles and your other muscles?

Most other muscles are larger and all are located below the human head.

What is the chemical cause of sore muscles?

Lactic acid settling in the muscles