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The offspring could have three X chromosomes or two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome.

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Q: What might happen if an egg cell received two X chromosomes during meiosis instead of one?
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What changes in the chromosomes occur during meiosis?

waht changes in the chromosomes occur during meiosis

How many chromosomes would a cell have during metaphase 1 of meiosis if it has 12 chromosomes during interphase?

Meiosis is known as a reduction division. The total number of chromosomes present prior to meiosis is reduced in half at the end of meiosis. In this case 12 pairs of chromosomes before meiosis (a total of 24 chromosomes) becomes 12 chromosomes (one of each pair) at the end of meiosis.

Is duplication of paired chromosomes in the first stage of meiosis?

Yes duplication of chromosomes occurs during the first stage of meiosis or during prophase.

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

When do chromosomes form tetrades?

Chromosomes form Tetrads during meiosis in Prophase I

When do chromosomes replicate during meiosis?

Chromosomes replicate in the Interphase part of Meiosis and throughout the whole process of Meiosis they only replicate once.

How many chromosomes would a cell have during metaphase I of meiosis if it has 12 chromosomes during interphase?


What is the reshuffling of chromosomes during meiosis?

genetic recombination

What is the pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis?


What division of meiosis splits chromosomes?

In anaphase I of meiosis, the homologous pairs of chromosomes separate. Due to DNA replication and crossing over during prophase I, these chromosomes consist of a pair of non-identical sister chromatids. During anaphase II of meiosis, the sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes.

What happen to chromosomes during meiosis?

half of each parents' chromosomes go to the offspring

What part of the cell is dividing during meiosis?

The entire cell is dividing just like mitosis except there will be 23 chromosomes instead of 46