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Q: What might happen if the spinal column becomes damaged?
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What part of the body is damaged if you are paralized?

Usually, it'll be in the spinal column.

What is posterior herniation?

Posterior herniation is when a disc in the spine becomes damaged and bulges outward from the spinal column toward the back. Common causes are work related injury and age.

What would happen to you if the middle of your spinal cord was damaged?

you will be paralized

Who has a spinal column?

All animals with a spinal chord have a spinal column to protect it. The spinal column is often referred to as the "back bone", so only vertebrates have one.

What would happen if the ventral root of a spinal nerve were damaged?

Loss of both motor and sensory function

How many bones are there in a spinal column?

There are 7 bones that are formed at the top of the spinal column.

What would happen if the anterior ramus of the spinal nerve is damaged or transected?

The end organ or muscle innervated by that particular spinal nerve component would atrophy.

What happens when the spinal cord is damaged?

When your spinal cord is damaged you may not be able to walk

What are the main functions of the spinal column?

The spinal cord sends messages to the brain,if we didn't have a spinal cord we couldn't do anything

What paralyzes muscles and make them floppy and reflexes are decreased or absent?

Some sort of damage at the spinal column. The nerves leading to the muscles are damaged or severed.

Are the ribs attached to the spinal column in any way?

No. The spinal column runs down your back. The sternum is in the middle of your chest opposite the spinal column.

What is a spinal column?

What are spinal columns? they have an electrical wiring