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Q: What milk contains an added bacterial culture and is sometimes prescribed for people taking antibiotics?
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Most of the time vizylac is prescribed along with heavy dose of antibiotics to prevent acidity etc....vizylac contains lactic acid bacillus....

What are given to babies in breast milk to give them immunity from microbes?

The mother's breast milk contains antibiotics , Immunoglobulin , which gives the newborn defense against bacterial infection .

When sofradex cream can be used?

Sofradex contains antibiotics and is used to treat ear infections and inflammation of the ear. There are several warnings and restrictions, so this medicine should only be used when it's been prescribed to you by your doctor.

What contains bacterial DNA?

bacterias for sure. also, the mitochondrial DNA is similar to the bacterial one

How could you test different antibiotics to see which is most effective?

You can't test it on human, but you can make a bacterial culture in a petri dish and put some sponge disk that contains different antibiotics and see which one works the best. There is other techniques but all you get is an "antibiogram" that gives you a list of antibiotic with the effectiveness for the specific bacteria.

How does antibiotics fight a cold?

Antibiotics work against bacterial infections only. They either prevent the bacteria from multiplying or they affect the cell contents of the bacteria and stop the bacteria from constructing their cell wall. However, antibiotics won't work against cold because common cold is caused by a virus. Since virus contains only RNA and is non-living outside host cell, i.e.,there is no cell wall in viruses. so, antibiotics do not work against them. Therefore, it is not advisable to have antibiotics to fight off a cold.

What is a viral species?

A viral species means that it is caused by a virus, which is non-living and contains genetic material within a protein capsule. Most viruses are not treated because unlike bacterial species, there is no antibiotics even though specific viruses can be treated with certain chemicals.

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What is the difference between bacterial and anti bacterial hand wash?

Bacterial hand wash favors the growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin ( hands). On the other hand ( no pun intended) ANTI bacterial hand wash does not favor bacterial growth and in fact contains agents to prevent any bacterial growth on the hands.

What do you mean by betalactum and non-betalectum?

β-Lactam antibiotics (beta-lactam antibiotics) are a broad class of antibiotics, consisting of all antibiotic agents that contains a β-lactam ring in their molecular structures.

What does the cytoplasm of bacteria contain?

Antibiotics contain bacteria which helps us to fight with the particular disease.It may be of bacterial group or fungi group or algae group or protozoan group. For example penicillin is prepared from penicillium.

What is tiny structure that contains bacterial DNA encased by a tough outer covering?
