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Q: What mineral is part of the hormone thyroxine that regulates the amount of energy to be spent for the body's involuntary action BMR?
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What mineral is critical to the synthesis of thyroxine?

It would be the mineral, Iodine.

What is the mineral critical to the production of thyroxine?


What regulates mineral balance in the body?

Your kidneys regulate the mineral balance in the body.

What mineral is regulated by calcitonin and parathyroid hormone?


This mineral is a part of thyroid hormones and regulates growth and development?

The element that is most commonly added to table salt (also known as sodium iodine) thathelps control thyroid function is iodine. To make sure you are getting the proper table salt inyour diet the container will say "iodinized salt." The thyroid naturally absorbs iodine as part of the synthesis process in storing, and secreting, thyroid hormone into the body.

What mineral helps maintain proper fluid balance and regulates blood pressure?

There are a variety of minerals necessary to your body's health. Some of the minerals specific to blood and fluids include;Chloride: A mineral that regulates body fluid volume, concentration and acid-base balance. Balance intertwined with that of sodium.Chromium: A mineral important in regulating blood glucose.Iron: A mineral that is an essential constituent of blood and muscle and important for the transport of oxygen.Sodium: A mineral that regulates body fluid volume, concentration and acid-base

What is Adrenocorticotropin?

A hormone that acts on cells of the adrenal cortex, causing them to produce male sex hormones and hormones that control water and mineral balance in the body.

What are some factors that can cause hormone levels to fluctuate?

The levels of hormones in the body can vary depending on stress, infections, fluid levels, and mineral balance.

What hormone require selenium for its synthesis?

The thyroid requires selenium for its synthesis. A deficiency of the selenium mineral alters thyroid function, but is rare in well nourished individuals.

What is the function of corticosteriod hormone?

Corticosteroids affect mineral and glucose metabolism. One of them, cortisol, is a glucocorticoid and is generally regarded as a long-term stress regulator. Another is aldosterone, a mineralocorticoid, and it helps regulate salt in the body. And still another is an androgen, a masculinizing hormone.

What is the steroid hormone that regulates the absorption of ions by the kidneys thereby regulating blood pressure?

Aldosterone is a major regulator of sodium handling by the kidney, and sodium reabsorption is a major determinant of blood pressure. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the cortex (outer portion) of the adrenal gland. It is in a class of steroids called mineralocorticoids, where "mineralo-" refers to the fact that these steroids act on mineral handling (eg, sodium handling), "-cortico-" refers to the fact that they're produced by the adrenal cortex, and "-coid" refers to the fact that they're steroid molecules.

How does the urinary maintain homeostasis?

The urinary system supports the kidneys. The kidneys are the organ of homeostasis. The kidneys send unnecessary fluid containing toxins to the bladder for storage. When an ample amount has accumulated, the urinary system will expel it in the form of urine.