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Miracles were not required for declaring a person a saint in the early years of Christianity. The person would have been declared a saint by popular acclamation to a bishop based on the lives and merits of the candidate. This was especially true if the person died the death of a martyr as it was felt that making this ultimate sacrifice for Our Lord would be an automatic designation of that person as a saint.

Even today, miracles are not always a requirement for canonization, especially in the case of martyrs.

Today the Church usually requires at least one miracle be proven for beatification and another for canonization. The miracle that is proven must have occurred because of the intercession of the candidate for sainthood and must be shown by scientist and doctors to be beyond a doubt a true event that defies all explanation.

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Q: What miracles do you need to do to become a saint?
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Do you need to perform a miracle to become a saint?

Two, actually. If the Pope finds that you did in fact make those miracles, he will proclaim you a saint.

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The official canonization process was not in place at the time that Patrick was declared a saint. No miracles were required.

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Someone doesn't necessarily want to be a saint. To be a saint you have to be dead and three miracles have to happen after someone prays to you.

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According to the Patron Saints Index, there is no patron saint of miracles.

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St. Patrick became a saint by popular acclamation and approval of a local bishop long before the canonization process that requires miracles to prove the person is actually in Heaven was instituted.

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Saint Patrick was declared a saint before the canonization process was instituted so miracles were not required for sainthood.

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doesn't say what they were, but it says that they are extravagant miracles and such. check for Saint Kevin.

What miracles did Saint Sophia do to become a saint?

There is no specific mention of miracles performed by Saint Sophia to become a saint. Saint Sophia, also known as Saint Wisdom, is honored for her steadfast faith and martyrdom during the persecution of Christians under the Roman Emperor Hadrian. She is venerated for her courage and devotion to her Christian beliefs.

How many miracles does a person have to make to become a saint?

First of all, the saints do not perform miracles. The miracles are performed by God at the request of the saint. Each individual case is based on its own merits. Usually 2 miracles are required, one for beatification and one for canonization. If the person died as a martyr, one or more miracles may be dropped. Other things can also be taken into consideration such as bilocation. incorruptibility, stigmata, heavenly perfume, etc.

Did St. Sophia perform any miracles?

Saint Sophia lived during Roman times. Unfortunately, very little information has survived about the early saints, simply because the documents have deteriorated over time. We know she is a saint, and to become recognized as a saint she must have met several requirements, including miracles. The lack of documentation does not mean she has no miracles attributed to her, it just means none of the documentation has survived.