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13y ago

The differences in the Earth's rotation are very small, and are irregular - I don't think they depend only on the month.

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Where does nearly all of the energy in the tides originally come from?

From Earth's rotation. Therefore, if tidal energy is used - or not used, but just wasted in friction - Earth will gradually rotate slower and slower.

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Mars rotates horizontally around the sun in a counter clockwise motion. Mars does rotate at a rate of 40 minutes slower than the Earth.

If the time for earth to rotate once increased would it rotate faster or slower?

Here is a thought-experiment that can help answer the question:If the time required for you to run around the block increased,would that mean that you were running faster or slower ?If the time required to finish anything increases, it must be dueto the fact that the process is moving slower.

How much time earth take to compete rotation?

it takes 1 full month to rotate

Why does the moon get bigger and smaller during the month?

Because of how the moon and the Earth rotate on their respective axis.

Why does the moon not rotate as does the earth?

The moon does rotate on its axis as the earth does. The earth rotates once in a day and the moon rotates once in a month ( for those who want to quibble, it's a little more than 27 days ). ADD---the moon rotate at the same speed of the earth, that why we always see the same side of the moon which give the impresion that the moon doesnt rotate but it does!

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Since the inner planets are composed mainly of rocks, they are heavier, and rotate slower.

Does the earth rotate once every month?

No. More like once every 23hours 56minutes 4seconds.

How does the moon slow down Earth's rotation?

Well, maybe it's because of gravity. Kind of like the gravitational pull which pulls Earth a little bit which causes Earth to rotate a little slower.

What whould happen if you had no moon?

if there were no moon, there would be no light in the sky at night (earth would be a lot darker at night, earth's days would be longer (earth will rotate slower), and there will be no tides (the moon pulls the tides)

Does the moon spin on its axis faster than the earth?

No. It's much slower. The Earth takes a day to spin round. The Moon takes a month.