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perdix was smiled apon by many of his supioriors, and as many years of solitude in the labrynth had made him, daedalus was bitter, angry, and jealous of the young boy's success. after perdix had finished explaining his plan of giving man eternal life through both magic and automations, something in daedalus snapped. in a sudden loss of self-control, daedalus called out to perdix, who stood out apon the edge of a rail-less balcony, to cath a small stone or something of that size. Perdix reached out to cath it, but it had sailed too far out over the edge. just barely grazing the small object with his fingertips, perdix's foot slipped off the edge of the prim platform and as he fell, he managed to grasp the edge of the balcony with a single hand. his uncle had been watching the unfolding events, but now made no move to help his own nephew. "Uncle!" screamed Perdix. "Help me!" but again the old inventor made no move toward the boy. daedalus then remarked: "now let us see who is the wiser one of us. go ahead and create your infernal device for eternal life. be quick about it now." and perdix's hand slipped. "uncle!" he screamed, and then the young boy fell to his death. the old man snatched up the scroll containing perdix's plans for his machine. then he was spoken to by his mother, the great goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, Athena. she told him: "You will pay the price for the murder of perdix, daedalus." daedalus scowled at the sky and said: "I've paid and paid! i have always honored your way, and have your blessing apon my head." the goddess replied:i had also blessed the boy, and now you have killed him. you will be punished daedalus." he told her, "i know that i will suffer in the afterlife, I've no doubts." "you do not understand," she said. "you will pay now, andyou die." and with that, a searing-hot pain closed around the base of his collar. he would be branded with a partridge, the mark of a murderer, no matter what form he took for the rest of his life.

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Q: What motivates Daedalus to push perdix from the high tower?
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Daedalus for the killing of his nephew Perdix was changed by goddess Athena to the bird partridge. A bird which is causius about hights. Avoids to fly to long distance and high and nests in the hedgesYes, I just read that Wikipedia article as well ._.Anyways, Perdix was the one who was turned into the Patridge, when he fell off of the cliff. Daedalus died simply of old age.

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i assume you are vaguely familiar with the story of daedalus and how he and his son where locked in a tower in crete so they could not share their secrets of the labrynth. in the tower daedalus and icarus develop 2 sets of wings created using feathers and wax. they attach the wings and launch out of the window. before hand daedalus warns icarus not to fly too close to the sun. halfway across the sea icarus forgets and flys to high. the wax melts and icarus falls into the sea and drowns. daedalus lands safely in sicily and manages to find safety in a castle. meanwhile, searched for Daedalus by travelling from city to city asking a riddle. He presented a spiral seashell and asked for a string to be run through it. When he reached Kamikos, King Cocalus, knowing Daedalus would be able to solve the riddle, privately fetched the old man to him. He tied the string to an ant which, lured by a drop of honey at one end, walked through the seashell stringing it all the way through. Minos then knew Daedalus was in the court of King Cocalus and demanded he be handed over. Cocalus managed to convince Minos to take a bath first, where Cocalus' daughters killed Minos. In some versions, Daedalus himself poured boiling water on Minos and killed him. The story im familiar with mentions how the princess manage to entangle him with some sort of magical rope that daedalus created before they kill him. in short King Minos does nothing to keep them from escaping Crete.

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