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Daniel Boone lead settlers through the 'Cumberland Gap' to forge the 'Wilderness Trail' to open up travel to the west.

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The Appalachian mountains

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Q: What mountain range did Daniel Boone lead settlers through when he discovered The Cumberland Gap?
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The settlers crossed Appalachian mountain through the?

Cumberland Gap

Who discovered through the Cumberland Gap?

Daniel Boone was noted for leading settlers into KY through the gap.

Who led thousands of settlers through the cumberland gap?

Daniel Boone

Which of these was a passageway through the Appalachian Mountains for early American settlers?

cumberland gap

What was the main advantage of the Cumberland Gap?

it was a passage through mountain terrain.

Why was the Cumberland Gap important to westward expansion?

because settlers used the road as they crossed the appalachian mountains of virginia heading west.

How did mountain passes help settlers?

Mountain passes gave traveling settlers a way to travel through the mountains. Without the passes, the settlers would have to travel to higher and more dangerous altitudes.

In the late 1700s the Cumberland Gap made it easier for settlers to?

In the late 1700s, the Cumberland Gap served as a crucial passage through the Appalachian Mountains for settlers moving westward. It offered a more accessible route for migration and helped facilitate the movement of people into the western frontier.

What mountain range does the Cumberland gap lead to?

The Cumberland Gap leads to the Appalachian Mountains. It is a pass through the Appalachian Mountains located at the border of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia.

What most famous route through the Appalachian mountain to the west was the?

The trail that led from Virginia through the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky was the Wilderness Road.

What river runs through Nashville Tennessee?

The Cumberland River runs through Nashville TN.

What mountain did the settlers cross through after the Revolutionary War?

😃they crossed the Appalachian mountains