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The interesting thing about the Biceps Humerous (Bicep=Two Heads Humerus=Attached to the humerus bone) is that its main function is NOT to flex the elbow joint. This is moslty done by Brachialis muscle although the Biceps does help. The main action of the biceps, and also what is does if it is not flexing the elbo is to Suppinate the Forearm. This means to turn the palm from facing backwards to facing forwards. In fact the biceps cannot flex the elbow unledd the forearm has first been supinated.

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Q: What movement would be produced if the biceps contracted if the elbow was held in extension?
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What happens when you bend your arms?

your biceps contract and your triceps relax

Which type of of movement bends the knee and brings the lower leg backward?

Extension. Extension increases an angle, as in straightening a joint. During extension, the knee or elbow are straightened.

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A concentric movement would be flexing the elbow and curling a dumbbell towards the shoulder, an eccentric contraction would be the opposite movement ie bringing the dumbbell back down towards the thigh.

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When the biceps contracts the triceps relaxes slowly. It happens when your arm is bent.

How do muscles bring about movement in an organism?

Contraction of the biceps and the relaxation of the triceps bend the arm .In straightening the arm the triceps contract and the biceps relax

How do the biceps work in pairs to produce movement?

they both move at the same times with movement in rythem

What muscle contracts when the elbow is bent?

The Biceps brachii muscle. We just call it the biceps, though. (Pronounced bye-seps) To straighten the arm again, the triceps muscle is contracted - which lies 'underneath' the upper arm.

What movement they cause if biceps and triceps work?

Those muscles control the movement of the arms, particularly the forearms.

What happens to your biceps muscle when you straighten your elbow?

It either expands or contracts depending on which way you're bending your elbow.

What movement does the arm make when the triceps muscle contract?

The biceps muscle relaxes!!!!!=)

What movement lengthens the fibers of the biceps brachii?

Pronation of the forearm and the flexion of the elbow

What type of tissues include the biceps?

The biceps include both skeletal muscle tissue and connective tissue. The skeletal muscle tissue is responsible for the movement of the biceps, while the connective tissue helps to support and stabilize the muscle fibers.