

What moves your lungs so you can breathe?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Your diaphragm

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Q: What moves your lungs so you can breathe?
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What happens in the lungs when you breathe out air?

the lungs will moves down when breathe out air

When you breath out which direction does your diaphragm go?

When you breathe out the diaphragm moves upwards to push the air out of the lungs. When you breathe in the diaphragm moves downwards to draw air into the lungs. When you breathe out your diaphragm contract and moves upwards towards your head. when you breathe in too much your diaphragm explodes

What do the lungs do when the diaphragm moves down?

The diaphragm moves down when you breathe in, so your lungs will expand to take in as much oxygen as possible.

How and why air moves into and out of lungs when you inhale and exhale?

When you breathe in, your diaphragm will contract, causing your lungs to expand and suck in air. When you breathe out, your diaphragm will relax, causing your lungs to shrink and force out air.

What happens when your diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards?

Your lungs deflate nad you breathe out

How is respiration different from from breathing?

Respiration is different from breathing because when you breathe you enter your lungs when you breathe out , air moves out of your lungs . The air carries carbon dioxide out of your body.

How breathing different from respiration?

Respiration is different from breathing because when you breathe you enter your lungs when you breathe out , air moves out of your lungs . The air carries carbon dioxide out of your body.

How do frogs breathe out air from lungs?

Actually frogs dont breathe from their lungs. They have lungs but they don't use them because their skin is so thin that they can breathe from it.

Describe the function of your diaphragm and explain how inhaling and exhaling occurs?

Breathing is done by your diaphragm. When you breathe in, your diaphragm tightens (contracts) and moves downward so your lungs can expand. When you breathe out (exhale) your diaphragm relaxes (expands) and moves up into your chest.

How do the lungs know when to breathe?

the diaphragm under the lungs contracts and relaxes so that the air enters the lungs the breathing is takes place. so the lungs do not know when to breathe, it is the Brain which controls this system.

Do cougars have lungs?

Yes cougars have lungs, so they breathe trough their mouths. They also breathe through their noses.

How do rats breathe?

Like humans, rats have lungs. So they breathe in from their mouths and noses.with its nosethrough their mouth