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Sartorius and Rectus femoris

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Q: What muscle contracts over both hip and knee joints?
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Which muscles contracts when the leg is extended at the knee?

The muscle that contracts when the leg is extended at the knee is call the gastrocnemius muscle

Does the soleus muscle cross over two joints?

A muscle that, from origin to insertion, crosses two joints, and thus can produce an action at both joints. Example: the "hamstrings" (semimembranosis and semintendinosis) cross the hip joint and the knee joint and act on both joints (extend at hip, flex at knee).

Which muscle that will make the knee bend when it contracts. Which muscle that will make the leg straighten at the knee when it contracts. which of that two muscle is a lexor and an extensor?

The flexor would be the hamstring, and gastrocnemius, which bend/flex the knee. The quadriceps, are extensors, which straighten/extend the knee.

What calf muscle crosses two joints?

Biceps Brachii crosses both the Glenohumeral and Trochleoginglymoid joints. Sartorius crosses both the hip joint and knee. Others include tensor fascia lata, rectus femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, flexors of the forearm cross multiple joints as do the extensors. There are many others.

How are the knee and wrist joints similar-?

The knee is both a hinge and pivot joint. The wrist is a condyloid joint. Although they are both joints in our body, the knee and wrist are different types of joints.

What will happen at the knee joint when triceps contracts?

The triceps is a muscle in the upper arm that extends the elbow. It has no direct relationship to the knee.

What is the function of the longest muscle?

Function of the sartorius is flexion of the hip and knee joints. It is also called as 'Tailor's muscle'.

What muscle originates at the anterior superior iliac spine and crosses both hip and knee joints?

The muscle that originate from ASIS is sartorius muscle. Inguinal ligament also originate here. By Binaisa Deus medical student KIU Uganda

Is there a muscle builder for knees?

Step aerobics is a practical way to strengthen the muscles around the knee joints.

How does the action of the rectus abdominis differ from that of the other abdominal muscles?

The rectus femoris differs from the other quadriceps muscle in that it crosses both the hip and the knee joints. Thus, it causes both flexion of the hip and extension of the knee.

What is another name of knee joints?

Another Name For Knee Joints Is Called Knee Bones lls

Which has greater mobility hip joints shoulder joints elbow joints knee joints or wrist joints?

knee joints because they help you walk